Lunch and Learn 2025
*(Unless otherwise indicated)
January 9 - Winter Break
February 6 (NOTE THE DATE CHANGE)- Kathryn de Bruin, ICEEFT Trainer San Diego/South Africa - Managing Emotional Abuse In Couples Treatment
March 13 - Dr. Austin Beck, NUEFT Board - EFT Informed Ketamine Assisted Therapy
April 17 - Dr. Leanne Campbell, ICEEFT Trainer Vancouver Canada - EFIT and Trauma Clients
May 8 - Dr. Scott Woolley, ICEEFT Trainer San Diego, California - TBD
June - Jeff Scott, EFT Supervisor - NUEFT Chair - Simplifying the Steps, Stages and Tango in EFT
July - Summer Break
August - TBD
September - TBD
October 9 - Michael Barnett, ICEEFT Trainer Los Angeles California - EFT and Addiction
November - TBD
December - Holiday Break
Register by filling out this form and submitting your payment. Lunch and learn events are free for NUEFT members and $20 for nonmembers. Once you have submitted the form you will be redirected to a page that you will need to complete check out as either a member or nonmember. You will need to “Check out” even if you are a member and no payment is required. Once you have “checked out”, the link for our virtual lunch and learn will be sent in the receipt email from NUEFT (check your spam box if it doesn’t land in your inbox). Be sure to bookmark the email you receive immediately after signing up so you can access the event. The link in the email is how you will access the event!
Please add to cart and “check out” to receive the zoom link. If you are NOT A CURRENT NUEFT member, please sign up in the NON-member section.
Please add to cart and check out and a zoom link will be emailed to you with the receipt. Reminder that you can join NUEFT for only $25 and have free access to all of our community learning events.